Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wrong way, Georgie!

I'm outraged, but not terribly surprised, that Bush has decided to send another 21,500 American troops in Iraq. Bush said he consulted members of Congress from both parties, our ally abroad, and distinguished outside experts before completely ignoring them.

I wish someone in the White House would sit him down and say, "Mr. President, you see, you just lost Congress because of your Iraq policy, and now you're proposing to do the opposite of what everyone (but a loopy Joe Lieberman), thinks you should do. I mean everyone! Your staff, all the Democrats, a lot of Republicans (the smarter ones), your generals, your dad. So, would you reconsider?"

"Yes, I will...OK, I've made a re-decision. You're fired."

I think Bush was one of those kids in Pop Warner football who caught the interception and then ran the wrong way down the field. His coach would chase him down the field yelling, "No, Georgie! The goal is that way!"

"No, it's not!" Georgie would holler back. "And you're fired!"


Anonymous said...

After watching the Bush speech tonight, I felt saddened and hopeless about 2007. Bush still doesn't get it and he's marching even more young Americans into another country's civil war. Even worse, he's signaling further escalation with Syria and Iran as a means to keep our troops in the Middle East.

2007 isn't starting out too well: $400 billion US dollars spent on this Republican war, more terrorist attacks from forces unseen and more Americans returning home bloodied by war and atrocity. Boy, do I miss the Clinton years. I can't wait for 2008 and a new Democratic administration!

Marty Grimes said...

I watched it while I was on the treadmill. The only good thing is that the speech inspired me to run three miles--I was imagining I was running toward Canada.