I'm currently in our nation's capital for a conference. On the way here, I realized that comedy has allowed me to appreciate people more--especially stupid people. Previously, if was at the airport, I would find a seat as far away from the other passengers as possible. I especially loathed the thought of having to interact with idiots. No more. The stupid among us are nuggets of comedy gold.
We were going through security when a woman was grumbling loudly about the Filipina TSA agent who checked her ID. "She wasn't even born here!" Everyone around gave her the stink eye. She comes back with , "What?! I heard there were a lot of Muslims in the Philippines." Oh, no she didn't.
Please, Allah, let her be assigned to sit next to me on the plane. I made my partner, Robert--who happens to be Filipino--to promise me that if we did get to sit near her, he would hit the call button and ask the flight attendant, in a thick Filipino accent, "Excuse me. It is nearing prayer time. Can you tell me which way it is toward Mecca?"
Allah didn't hear our prayers. I guess we weren't facing the right direction.
Hey farny boy, did you kill everyone with laughter this past Thursday?:)
Hey Lee! I was happy with the show. I only found out about the show last Friday, but I was happy to see 33 Martiacs show up. I think that was well over half of the audience. But no, dear, I didn't kill anyone. Maimed and disfigured maybe, but no killing.
I often wonder if you do have to be Filipino to work at the airport. I feel I am back home in the Philippines (sans humidity) when I fly out of SFO.
hahahaha! i would have loved to see her reaction had she been sat next to you guys on the plane, lol! that would have been great! it was great to see you guys this weekend. love ya! kelli
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