Thursday, January 12, 2006

Robertson apologizes for saying what he believes out loud

Pat Robertson apologized today to the Sharon family, for implying that the Israeli prime minister's stroke was an act of God.

"My zeal, my love of Israel and my concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness."

Of course, he did not exactly retract his statement. It's sort of the "I'm sorry...that your were offended" apology. He still believes God smote Sharon, but he realized it was bad timing to say it out loud while Sharon was in a coma. This apology was as hollow as his apology for calling for the U.S. to assassinate Hugo Chavez, which he immediately followed by comparing Chavez to Adolf Hitler. And this apology came just a day after Israel pulled support of a planned Christian theme park for Galilee--a project Robertson is leading.

But an apology is better than nothing. His apology letters to the gay and lesbian community have apparently been lost in the mail.

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