Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm a Believer!

I heard Pat Robertson say today on the 700 Club that the nation should stop worrying about the rights of a small minority of agnostics and atheists who, after all, don’t believe anything.

Actually, Pat, I believe in a lot.

  • I believe in truth, justice, humility, service, and compassion.
  • I believe evading nuclear arms control agreements is immoral.
  • I believe giving only 0.17 percent of our GDP for assistance to developing countries is immoral.
  • I believe stopping condom education and distribution campaigns in Africa is immoral.
  • I believe doing nothing about global warming is immoral.
  • I believe detaining people for months, and now years, without charging them with a crime is immoral.
  • I believe torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Guatánamo and who knows where else is immoral.
  • I believe detaining and torturing Pakistani children is immoral.
  • I believe sending prisoners to countries where we know they will be brutally tortured is immoral.
  • I believe assassinating Joseph Wilson’s character is immoral.
  • I believe outing his wife as a CIA operative is immoral.
  • I believe engaging in a campaign to debunk evidence you know is actually true is immoral.
  • I believe manupulating and withholding evidence to convince Americans to support a preemptive attack on another country is immoral.
  • I believe invading a sovereign nation that poses no immediate threat to our nation is immoral.

These are my morals, and I didn't need an organized religion to form them. These are my values. And I believe that most Americans share these values, not those of Pat Robertson and the right wing fundamentalists who are running our country into the ground.

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